Code of Conduct

Code of conduct might sound a bit harsh, but it is not ment to be that harsh. I just couldn’t find any proper description of what I want to communicate in this section. Until I’ve found something more suitable, the name is as it is.

When participating in online discussions there are several things that reoccur very frequently.

  1. Posting a question with no real topic: Please just select a descriptive topic for your problem. And no, “Help” is not a descriptive topic.
  2. Posting a question without the relevant information: If you want help, you have to provide the information necessary. At least a logfile is of great help. Just stating that the solver/utility does not work is worth nothing.
  3. Moving a forum thread to private messages: Say you have started a forum post on a problem and some forum contributors have helped you significantly, but you are not there, yet. Sending them a private message might be a solution to get the last bit of information necessary, but this information will rest in your inbox forever. Other people, who might end up having the same problems, will find the forum thread and a half done solution. This renders the entire thread pointless. Hence: Please don’t move a thread to private messages!
  4. Search the forums and internet: Before you ask your question, google it! Look for similar topics on the respective forums.
  5. Don’t cross-post: Even though it might look like a great idea, cross posting the same post in different sub-forums won’t help you to find an answer. It will help you, though, to be get admonished for doing that.

For more background information on this, read this.